If you’re planning an addition, remodeling or building on a vacant lot…..
Here is a sample list of questions that a builder or architect would likely have:
Is there a certified property survey on file with the municipality, or in your possession?
Is the property in a floodplain?
Is the property located on or near a wetland?
Is the land characterized by or exposed to:
· Poor soils?
· Soil erosion?
· Subsidence?
· Geologic hazards?
· Unusual noise, vibration or smells?
· Poor surface drainage?
· High water table?
· Proximity to industrial facilities?
What is the zoning for this property?
What is the zoning/land use of adjacent properties, if different from your property?
Where are the property setback lines (front, side, and rear yard)?
Are there setbacks for paving (drives, walks, patios)?
How far over a setback line is a roof overhang allowed to protrude?
What is the maximum buildable area on your property?
Will the project require a variance due to the property being nonconforming?
Are there any site constraints and/or opportunities?
Are there any existing easements or covenants (such as a Homeowner’s Association) on this property?
Do utilities (water, sewer, gas electric) serve the property or do they need to be extended?
Is there a set of building plans (blueprints) on file with the municipality or in your possession? (Typically applies only to new additions and remodeling)
Does the design need to be reviewed by a design or architectural review board?
Site considerations during the initial design phase
· Low areas
· Slopes
· Water elements or features such as pond, stream, river, etc.
· High points and ridge lines
· Land forms/unique natural features
· Views and vistas
· Sounds and smells
Design considerations
· What does your home mean to you?
· How does your home need to function?
· How do you want to feel as you walk through your home?
· Imagine that your project is complete. What would make you feel like you’ve made the right decision in hiring a designer?